
Monday, November 28, 2011

My Apologize!!!

Hi All,

Happy Monday after a nice weekend with your family! I want to send out my apology for not updating my sites as promised weekly! I have been working on a few cards so i'll be posting them soon! I haven't had the time to set up a class yet but I will try to.

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner with your family, friends and loved ones! I know I did. I had THREE Thanksgiving dinners! It was full of fun and laughter! Got to love my family and my extended family as well! My first dinner was with my LOUD HOANG family on Thanksgiving Eve and oh gosh it was so yummie and on top of that it was extremely so fun! Given that my family is super fun to be around with! =)

And the fun didn't stop there! On the actual day, my fiancé and I had another Thanksgiving dinner, more like a lunch with my fiancé's family.  We didn't have a traditional turkey-giving meal but it was delicious.  Nothing bet a nice warm Hot Pot! I ate so much because the soup was super delicious!!!

After that, we headed over to my brother's house George! Oh, it was a yummie day and it was my brother's first time cooking the turkey too!! There were again tons of decilious food!! I was super stuffed already but man, everything looked so good!!! Couldn't stop eating! Felt like i gain 10 pounds!!!

I am so grateful for my family!!! Not just for the good yummie food but for all the laughter and fun we all had!!! Love this time of the year!

Oh and then our family's vacation to Disneyland.  If you never been to Disneyland, you really have to go there to watch the "World of Colors" it was AMAZING!!!  And Disneyland IS the best place on earth!!! =P It was also my parents' first time going and one of my brother, Phillip! We all had so much fun and man, there were a lot of walking because we wanted to catch all the showing and make sure we sat on the rides we wanted to go on!!! I wish we had one more day to enjoy Disneyland a little slower because on our second day all we did was going back and forth to catch everything we wanted to catch!  Hopefully next year my brother George's family will join us so we can have 100% full power of LOUDEST HOANG!!

I better get going. I'm going to do some touch up on the cards and I'll be posting it up beginning of this week. I PROMISE I'll post something up.

And also check back weekly or maybe two or three days later after the next post as I will try to post more ideas for Christmas! I have tons of ideas but I just need to find the time for it to do what I want to do for the rest of my life...CRAFTING!!!

Stay Tune!!! Thank you so much for dropping by!

Hugs! Mui =)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Class: Wonderfully Simple Cards

Hello again!! I wanted to make a few cards for the holidays to hand them out for some wonderful family, friends and coworkers, so I wanted to keep it simple.  Then as I was making them, I thought it might be fun to use these as a class.  Let me know if you are interested in coming! I am thinking of making sets of 5 for $15 (We will be making 2 of the last card)!!! GREAT DEAL!!! Since it's the holiday I thought this will help you out on some of your expenses, so come join me on Saturday, November 19 at 12:00 p.m. I love how simply wonderful these look and so will you! =)

Hope to see you!!! Thanks for dropping by!!!
Mui =)

Joy and Love Christmas

Hi Everyone,

Sorry!!! Haven't been posting but here are some stuff I've worked on when I was on my RDO on Friday. Yes! Finally had some time to post some things up.  Just had so many things going on and the season getting closer.  Hope you like these cards!!! =)

Hope you enjoyed today's posting! Thanks for dropping by!

Love, Mui =)