
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Stampin' Up Convention 2014! HERE I COME!!!!


I'm going I'm going I'm GOOOooooooOOOOoooOooING!!!! After wanting to go for soooo sooo long even when I didn't join Stampin' Up...I can finally say....I'M GOING THIS YEAR to the STAMPIN' UP CONVENTION!!! I keep seeing pictures of how much fun everyone has...NOW I'll BE THERE - July 17-19th!!!!

Super super super super suppppppper excited mui here!!!!


I sooooo can't wait!!! It's like Disneyland for me!!!!! And all the creative and talented people I'll meet!!! ahhh!!! that's like meeting all the Disney's characters! hehehe
CAN'T WAIT TO GO MUI HERE!!! hehe!! Happy Mui is not leaving!!! AND STILL CAN'T WAIT CAN'T WAIT CAN'T WAIT!!!
Love always, SMILE!!!
Shop at my Store: My SU! 24/7 Online Store


  1. Ooooooh I wish I were going! You are going to have so much fun. You go girl!

    1. Melissa, one day if we ever happen to go to any Stampin' up event, we should totally meet up!
